Nuba Vision
Volume 1, Issue 2, November 2001
Unification of Nuba Political Parties
On the 9th September 2001, the three Nuba political parties inside Sudan namely: the Nuba Mountains General Union (NMGU), Sudan National Party (SNP) and Sudan National Free Party (SNFP) held an important meeting in Khartoum and decided to form a Charter for Coalition. This is in response to the current political developments in the Sudan.
Introduction to the Parties’ Coalition Charter:
Over more than a century ago the state of Sudan was established through the Turkish rule, followed by Mahdiya Revolution and Condominium rule which managed to set the basic frames for ruling the united Sudan. Since the dawn of independence the successive national tradition governments and dictatorship regimes which ruled Sudan had failed to achieve the ambition of the Sudanese people.
After independence the unbalanced policies carried out by the successive national governments has created a wider gap between the different regions of Sudan and their people. This has led to the emergence of the issue of the marginalised areas in the Nuba Mountains, Southern Blue Nile, Darfur, Easter Sudan, the Northern part of the Nile and the peripheries of the big cities.
Our national views in addition to our responsibility towards our national issues cannot deviate us from being concerned about the cause of the Nuba Mountains which is clear in the lack of development, the issue of identity, the lack of effective participation in power and unjust wealth distribution.
From our belief in general issues of the Sudan, issues of the marginalised areas and the cause of the Nuba Mountains, and to the requirements of the situation, we consulted each other, held discussion and agreed on establishing the above coalition of parties in order to face the problems.
1. The reason for the coalition is:
A. To achieve unity as a strategic goal
B. The coalition is a means by itself and for a time being as any party or organisation within should maintain its entity and independence.
C. Keep the paper issued by the Gulf Secretariat as guidance
2.Aims and Principles:
a. To co-ordinate our positions towards the future issues of the Sudan and the international issues.
b. To agree upon the future issue of the Nuba mountains within a united Sudan that believes in justice and equality.
c. To work on achieving a just peace and put an end to the war by all possible means
d. Nuba should have the right for self-determination, as a united Nuba decision, should the Sudanese fail to reach agreement on the unity of the country.
e. Commitment to multi-party democracy as a political means for rotating power in Sudan and safeguarding human rights.
f. Sudan should be ruled through federal rule based on the choice of its diverse nations.
g. A just distribution of wealth, a balanced development.
3 Means of achieving the goal.
a. To start an open debate on the goals with trust and respect of others opinions to reach this goals.
b. Holding meetings and conferences and raise our issues in national and international forums
c. The use of different mass media to express our cause to the public in a right and a clear way.
4. Organisational Structure of the Coalition.
The coalition consists of:
1. a. The High Council: consists of heads of caolition parties and organisations, the secretary Generals and a leader in a high in the party or the organisation. The chairing of the council should be a rotation between the heads of the parties and the organisations,
b. The executive office : consists of the secretary generals of the parties and organisations. Organises meetings and administers daily internal affairs in order to carry out the decisions issued by the high council.
c. The coalition should form specialised offices and the parties and organisations of the coalition should nominate officially their representatives in these offices.
5. General Rules
a. The coalition will continue until the complete unity is achieved.
b. The coalition may accept the membership of the other political parties and organisations and national figures, and this should be done with unanimous acceptance of the high council.
c. The coalition parties and organisations should empower the representative in writing as indicated by the constitutional law and the party’s regulation.
d. All the parties and organisations signatories to the Charter should be committed to the coalition. The members also should be abided by the charter regulations and organisation rules.
e. The high council should be responsible for looking into the exceeding and interest of its members.
f. The members should be placed under oath.
g. The high council will responsible for seeking fund and issuing instructions for the fund to be used.
The following are the signatories to the Party Coalition Charter
Name | Party Position |
Mr. Yousif Abdel-allah Gebriel | NMGU Acting Chairman |
Mr. Abdel-Elradyi Ajabna Tutu | NMGU |
Dr. Abbas Shasha Musa | NMGU |
Prof. El-Amin Hamouda De | SNP Chairman |
Mr Ibrahim Mekki Ibrahim | SNP |
Mr. Osman Abedl-allah Tia | SNP |
Rev. Phillip Abbas Ghaboush | SNFP Chairman |
Mr. Abdel-Allah el-Tom el-Emmam | SNFP |
Mr. Bako Tali | SNFP |