Dear Nuba Vision
May I offer you my congratulation for your excellent article and excellent February issue of Nuba Vision and especial congratulation on your coverage of the magnificent news of the cease-fire. I also liked the article on Nuba Languages by Robin Thelwall. I do hope all goes well with cease-fire and that it does get renewed.
Thank you for asking me if I’d like to send another poem, I appreciated that a lot. I enclose my ‘Peace Poem’ for your consideration for Nuba Vision
With best wishes for the future
Yours sincerely
Ms Caroline Bennett
Imanse Avenue, Portrush,
Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland,
BT 56 8BP
Dear Suleiman
I am so happy to have your book, with its very kind inscription. Thank you so much dear Nuba friend.
I have read it all and finds it fascinating, full of valuable information, of historical background, and present problems, personal view and experiences …much beauty and .. much sadness. The title explains it all!
I hope many people everywhere will read this book and understand what has happened to the Nuba and how they are, in spite of everything, keeping their traditions, their pride and their dignity."
With my love
Jinx Rodger
Waterside House, Smarsdem
Kent, UK
Dear Nuba Vision,
Thank you for all you are doing to defend the rights of the Nuba People. For too long we have been forgotten by the outside world whilst we were bombed, starved and denied humanitarian assistance.
Niw there is a ceasefire, but our interests are still not being taken seriously by anyone, particularly the southerners in the SPLA, the apolagists for Khartoum and those within the international community eager to intervene in Sudan.
It is a refreshing change to see a publication dedicated to informing people about the problems faced by the Nuba. Unless the outside world begins to understand our preducament they will continue to make useless deals and demand impossible compromises from us whilst chasing a peace deal that will only prove unworkable in the long-run.
Now at last our voices can be heard. Keep up the good work.
Mohamed Mojo Koko (U.S.A)