The masses of Nuba people inside and outside Sudan are demanding justice and fair trials to those government officials of former President Omar al-Bashir’s regime who were responsible for the executions of many Nuba, whose names mentioned in this report.
Here is a link to a playlist were you can find the recordings of the Mak Rahhal Anniversary Celebration.
الاخوة في قوى جبال النوبة المدنية
لكم منا اجمل تحية لقد سعدنا كثيرا عند سماعنا بالموكب الذي سوف تقيمونه غدا الا
ربعاء وهذا شئ عظيم جدا ونحن إذ نشيد بما تقومون به من عمل دؤب وعظيم تجاه قضية السودان عامة وقضية ج
بال النوبة بصفة خاصة.
وفى الحقيقة أن السودان يمر الان بمنعطف خطير وحساس للغاية مما يتطلب منا شعب جبال النوبة العظيم أن يكون لنا حضور كبير ومؤثر فى الحراك السياسي الدائر الآن فى السودان وجودكم في ساحة النضال شئ مهم وجيد للغاية ونشيد بهذا الموقف النبيل وسيرواالأمام ونحن من خلفكم. ارجو ان تستسحبوا في خطابهم السياسى هذه النقاط إلىتالى
Sudan is one of the largest countries in Africa and inhabited by many people of great diversity of origin, ethnicity, cultures, religions and languages. The country's population was about forty million people before the separation of South Sudan in 2011. The country has been driven by numerous internal civil wars since gaining independence from Anglo-Egyptian rule in 1956, which have claimed millions of civilian lives, destroyed huge material resources and held back development and progress, which eventually led to the current economic crisis in the country.
شعارنا: قوتنا فى وحدتنا
فى البداية اود هنا ان اتوجه بالتحية الخالصة والشكر الجزيل لكل الكوكبة الممتازة من رجال ونساء وشباب قبيلة كادوقلى الذين كانوا جميعا خير زاد فيما قدموه من جهد كبير وعظيم فى سبيل نجاح فكرة مشروع المئوية لواحد من الشخصيات الوطنية التاريخية التى ساهمت في ارساء دعائم السلام لهذه القبيلة، وكان خلف هذه الكوكبة الحكامات ينشدون الأغانى الحماسية اثناء النفير وهذا بهدف تشجيع للمتطوعين وبث روح الحماس فيهم حتى تم تشيد وتهيئة مقر الإدارة الأهلية لهذه المناسبة التاريخية العظيمة ، ويجدربنا ايضاً ان نثمن جهود ابناء القبيلة في داخل السودان وخارج السودان وكذلك البطون السبعة المكونة لكادقلى والقبائل المتحالفة معها و كان كل هذا الجهد المتواصل سببا فى تحقيق قيام هذا المشروع الكبير ألا وهو الاحتفال بمئوية المك رحال اندو كادقلى مك قبيلة كادقلي.
Nuba Survival Foundation
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Tel./Fax no: +44 (0) 20 8813 5831 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1st August 2011
Press Release
Sudan: Upsurge Violence Continues in the Nuba Mountains
Several months prior to South Sudan referendum and South Kordofan election in May 2011 Some international organisations, including United Nations Mission in Sudan, Small Arm Surveys in Geneva and international Crisis Group all expressed their concern over the dangerous and the volatile situation in South Kordofan. They warned about the imminent threat of war because of the heavy government military build up in the area as well as the arming of the local Arab tribal leaders loyal to the government.
Nuba Survival's primary objective is to focus on the predicament of the Nuba people of Sudan. This involves supporting the activities of local humanitarian agencies in the Nuba Mountains and educating the international media about Nuba cultural heritage.
Statement 15 June 2011
Situation in Sudan The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (William Hague): In January this year, the people of South Sudan voted in a referendum in favour of secession from the Republic of Sudan, as was their right under the terms of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed between the Government of the Republic of Sudan (GoS) and the Sudanese People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) in 2005. The South plans to secede on 9 July. Since the referendum, progress against the remaining areas of the Comprehensive Peace
Nuba Survival Foundation
15 June 2011
Press Release
Nuba of Sudan: Facing Ethnic Cleansing by Sudanese Armed Forces and allied Militias.
On 5th June 2011 fighting broke out in Kadugli, the capital of South Kordofan between Sudanese armed forces (SAF) and the SPLA forces (North Sector). The reason for the fighting is because the President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir gave order to his soldiers to disarm SPLA Joint Army Unit which had a mandate according to CPA signed in
UN Peacekeepers Should Protect Civilians, Aid
(Nairobi, June 11, 2011) – The Sudanese government should immediately stop bombing civilian areas and halt human rights abuses by its soldiers and allied militia forces in Southern Kordofan, Human Rights Watch said today. The United Nations, the African Union, and other concerned governments should strongly condemn the violations of international humanitarian law and call on Sudan to immediately rein in its forces and allow humanitarian access to all affected populations.