An Advocacy for the Plight of the Nuba people in Southern Kordofan State,
The Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), signed in 2005 by the Government of Sudan and the SPLM in the South, brought an end to one of the world’s longest running conflicts. However, the CPA has not succeeded in bringing sustainable peace to the region of South Kordofan ( Nuba Mountains). This region on the border between the North and South was witness to egregious human rights violations and some of the heaviest fighting during the civil war. Violent conflict continued unabated and increased in some areas of South Kordofan since the signing of the CPA, particularly in the Nuba Mountains and Abyei.
Nuba Mountains Solidarity Abroad
Suleiman Musa Rahhal
Chairman of Nuba Mountains Solidarity Abroad, London, United Kingdom
United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations
11th UN Session, Geneva, Switzerland, July 1993
On behalf of the indigenous Nuba people of the Sudan, I would like to congratulate you Madam Chairperson and the Distinguished Members of the Working Group for the completion of the draft declaration. Also Madame Chairperson, if you allow me, I would like to send my greetings and thanks to the Secretary General of the United Nations, H.E. Boutros Boutros-Ghali and all members of United Nations for declaring 1993 Year of the Indigenous Populations, in recognition of their rights as members of the world community.
Secretary for International Development
The House of Commons
London WA1
4th February .2002
Dear Ms Short,
Nuba Survival Foundation is the London-based humanitarian organisation working for the plight of the Nuba people in central Sudan and would like to express its sincere gratitude to the governments of the United Kingdom, United States of America, Switzerland, for their unremitting efforts to bring about the cessation of hostilities in the Nuba Mountains.
Rt. Hon Clare Short MP
Secretary for International Development
The House of Commons
London WA1
4th February .2002
Dear Ms Short,
Nuba Survival Foundation is the London-based humanitarian organisation working for the plight of the Nuba people in central Sudan and would like to express its sincere gratitude to the governments of the United Kingdom, United States of America, Switzerland, for their unremitting efforts to bring about the cessation of hostilities in the Nuba Mountains.
The Nuba and the Sudan Peace Prospect.
A paper presented by Suleiman Musa Rahhal at the Panel Discussion on “The Sudanese War and The Nuba people” held at Woodrow Wilson Centre for Scholars, Washington DC, USA on 28 February 2003.
As an introduction to the Nuba people, who are they? The term Nuba came from the word “Nubia” which was first used by the Greek anthropologist, Eratosthenes in 200 B.C. to describe people living in the South of Egypt. Today, it is commonly used to describe the indigenous inhabitants living in more than eighty hills situated in the geographical center of the Sudan