Sudan has suffered, particularly the Nuba Mountains region which has suffered from the conflict and natural disasters. The Nuba Mountains region was closed from the outside world for more than a decade while the on-going wars caused desperate, economic, social, political situations and education loss. Basically all the infrastructures in the area were virtually destroyed. This led to living conditions and education standard to deteriorate badly followed by huge poverty gap among Nuba people. All these culminated the grievances of everyone concerned about Sudan’s welfare and the Nuba Mountains in particular to pool their efforts in a national organisations to rescue the Nuba situation.
The issue was also stirred at various American levels and United Nations towards the deteriorated humanitarian situation in the area. Consequently, tangible steps were taken to salvage the situation. Hence a cease-fire was signed between the Government and the SPLA/SPLM under the auspicious of the USA and Switzerland, the host country. As a result, serious successive discussions in Khartoum were attended by representatives of Nuba based organisations on 31 January 2002. There was overall agreement among the attendants that the role of the national organisations is to translate this agreement into reality.
Hence, on 5th May 2002 an extensive meeting was convened in the HAC premises for further enlightenment on the agreement and a co-ordination committee was formed to undertake the responsibility of coordinating between the Nuba NGOs based in the Nuba Mountains region to lay a clear plan of work and scheduled training programmes and the relevant budgets.
The committee genuinely sought the best options and expressions that could really envisage our aspirations to establish a national developmental work in which all the genuine participants pool efforts for the welfare of resources and the NGOs efforts integrally, as the nature of this coordination demands and understanding documents that guides all the involved National Nuba Based NGOs to adhere to its principles.
Committed to the principles which we all dedicate ourselves to achieve, the committee laid out the following objective.
1.These are non-governmental organisations for human welfare and environment.
2.These organisations are committed to the principles and regulations of
Humanitarian Aid Commission.
3.These organisations welcome donors and World Aid organisations to Nuba region that would lay constructive, economic, social and cultural development.
4.These organisations will co-ordinate efforts with international organisations orothers, which may apply to work in the Nuba Mountains according to priority needs.
5. All the organisation should undertake their responsibilities towards the area, but they lack financial abilities, however, it is vitally important to prepare conductive environment for their operation.
6. These organisations are alert to execute the Switzerland Agreement purtaining to human aspects in cooperation and coordination with all the parties involved (NGOs, UNA, Donors, HAC, Government of South and West Kordofan) or any other concerned about the region.
7. These organisations see to it that work should be done alongside the NGOs, UN, Donors and other NGOs on a partnership basis through coordinating work to avoid misunderstanding and duplication in the projects implementation, leaving the options for NGOs to achieve humanitarian goals sited by the agreement.
8. These organisations should practice their activities in the coming period through their offices in the area.
9. The work; tends to expire under this document when the programme which this understanding document finishes, unless the situation enforces its continuation.
10. Any of the signatories on this document has the right to withdraw if it reviews that the document doesn’t fulfil its own objectives, provided that it should pre-notify the committee before months and commit to fulfil its programmes as scheduled.
11. This document is a crossline understanding between N.N.B NGOs through which any NGO working area (N.M. region) may join.
12. HAC takes facilitating role to enable provision of finances, technical assistance for N.N.B NGOs in co-operation with donors as this dedicated situation will require.
13. To form a technical mechanism to analyse and evaluate NGOs comprising (HAC + Donors + UNA + NGOs + the committee).
14 To form a technical strategic unit for relief and rehabilitating for Nuba Mountains region.
15. National Nuba Based NGOs are not obliged to sign this document.
16 This document is valid on the date of endorsing and signing it by all the representatives of these N.N.B NGOs.
B. Geographical Intervention: (Government controlled areas)
1. Kadugli
2. Dilling
3. Talodi
4. Rashad
5. Lagawa
6. AbuJubeiha
C. Sectoral Intervention
1. Emergency and relief
2. Education
3. Health
4. Water Resources
5. Agriculture and animal wealthfare
6. Roads and transport
7. Poverty, education and self-reliance projects.
8. Research and studies
9. Solar polar use in development.
10. Training in general.
11. Peace building
12. Tourism and cultural development
D. Members of the co-ordinating committee:
1.Zeinab Mohammed Blandia
- Chairperson
2. Sabil hamid Salatin - Secretary
3. Hussein Al-Ahmar Kuku
- Member
4. Hassab Allaha Nugud Kafi
- Member
5. AlKhairy AlGedeal Arbab
- Member
6. Um Salama Mohmed Naway
- Member
7. Al Sharani Numeri Daldoum
- Member
8. Adam Omer Kuires
- Member
E. Listed : 12 organisations
Signed and endorsed by members of the 19 N.N.B NGOs on this date. 28 February 2002