The Pearson Peacekeeping Centre (PPC) training team from Canada which is to train local and international monitors for Nuba Mountain Cease-fire had arrived in Khartoum on 21 April 2002. The team spent the first two days in consulting the key personnel from the Joint Military Command (JMC), NGO and UN communities in preparation for the conduct of the training program for the International Monitoring unit.
Due to JMC logistical problems, delays in the arrival of International Monitors, and the availability of Government of Sudan (GoS) and Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM) monitors, the PPC training team could not conduct the simultaneous training of all JMC monitors as originally anticipated. In light of these difficulties, the PPC training team was required to commence training of six of the
available International Monitors on Wed 24 April in Khartoum. This training was completed on 30 April. On 1 May, the PPC training team refined the training program in preparation for training of GoS and SPLM personnel then deployed to Kadugli. The current plan is to conduct wrap-up training in Kadugli during the period 15 - 18 May of those JMC personnel and civilian contractors who missed the first training sessions.
In the absence of additional funding from those counties that make up the "Friends of the Nuba", the PPC training team will return to Khartoum on 18 May in order to connect with their return flights to their respective places of residences to arrive by no later than 20 May.
Other Important Events:
On Sat 11 May, there was a graduation ceremony for the15 GoS monitors in Kadugli. The ceremony was attended by the German and Swiss Ambassadors, Canadian Charge d’ Affairs, Chairman of the JMC, GoS District Governor, Mayor of Kadugli, Commander of the GoS 5th Military Division and numerous other dignitaries. JMC training certificates were presented to each of the GoS monitors. A similar
ceremony will likely be held for the SPLM monitors at the completion of
their training. Location to be determined.
Logistical support for the JMC has improved considerably. It is anticipated that suitable accommodations for the JMC personnel will be in place within the next 3-4 days. Food, water, fuel, ATV vehicles, radios and GPS equipment to support the work of the monitoring unit is now being put in place.
Medical support for the monitoring unit has also improved with the arrival of a doctor and trauma medic.
The monitoring unit has been conducting verification of humanitarian aid flights into Kadugli and to other points in the Nuba Mountains region. Sector Headquarters locations are being established and the Sector Headquarters in Kauda in now up and running. Joint monitoring of the redeployment of GoS and SPLM forces to areas established in the cease-fire agreement will commence shortly.
The PPC training team reports that the induction training package has been very well received by all concerned. The team is healthy, happy and motivated in their work.