دور الإعلام في قضية جبال النوبة

بقلم احمد الزبير رحال


كلنا يعلم الدور الكبير الذي يقوم به الإعلام بشتى وسائله المقروءة و المسموعة و المرئية في توعية المجتمعات  و تثقيفها و تنويرها بقضاياها الحيوية، بل و هو المرآة التي تعكس للعالم ما يدور في أرجاء المعمورة، و بفضل وسائل الإعلام المتطورة و المتعددة أصبح العالم قرية صغيرة تأتيك أخبارها من كل حدب و صوب و أنت لا تبارح جدران غرفتك. و لقد أصبح الإعلام في عالمنا المعاصر سلاحاً خطيراً تهابه الحكومات خاصة الدكتاتورية منها فهي تحاربه بكل ما أوتيت من قوى بمحاربة الكلمة الحرة تارة و تكميم الأفواه تارة أخرى،  بل تسعى في كثير من الأحيان إلى خلق إعلام مواز هدفه تغييب المعلومة و تعبئة الجماهير لصالح برامجها و تضليل الرأى العام المحلي و العالمي ما أمكنها إلى ذلك سبيلا. و  خير مثال لذلك ما قام به نظام الإنقاذ الحالي عند مجيئه للسلطة، فكم أنفق الأموال الطائلة في خلق آلة إعلامية شرسة هدفها تضليل الرأي العام لإخفاء هوية النظام و تعبئة المواطنين و استخدامهم في حروبه الجهادية  في الجنوب و جبال النوبة و من منا لا يتذكر برنامج ساحات الفداء .

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By Suleiman Rahhal

Between October 2007 and March 2008 Nuba Survival Foundation (NSF) in collaboration with Nuba Mountains International Association for Development (NMIAD) embarked on a capacity building project in the Nuba Mountains. The prime objective of this project is to build the capacity of civil sector and the community in the region. This is an important paramount to pave the way for building confidence, trust and peace between the Nuba and the Arabs tribes living in the region.

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Nuba Mountains Democratic Forum 

The Prospect for Peace and Sustainable Development in the Nuba Mountains. 

A paper presented on 3rd March 2007 at the conference titled “Professional Young Sudanese Women and their Role in the Future of Their Country”, held at St. Anthony’s College, Oxford University. 

By Shaza Suleiman Rahhal

Mr. Chairman

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By Suleiman Rahhal

Between October 2007 and March 2008 Nuba Survival Foundation (NSF) in collaboration with Nuba Mountains International Association for Development (NMIAD) embarked on a capacity building project in the Nuba Mountains. The prime objective of this project is to build the capacity of civil sector and the community in the region. This is an important paramount to pave the way for building confidence, trust and peace between the Nuba and the Arabs tribes living in the region.

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Nuba Mountains Democratic Forum

Memorandum on Kadugli Recent Events


While there are political authentication and rapid development taking place in Sudan, yet the suffering of the people in Nuba Mountains still continue, and it is increasing steadily day by day.

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By Shaza Suleiman Rahhal

A paper presented on 3rd March 2007 at the conference titled �Professional Young Sudanese Women and their Role in the Future of Their Country�, held at St. Anthony�s College, Oxford University.

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5th February 2007

For the past two years the Nuba Mountains Democratic Forum has been assiduously and with great interest following the Naivasha Agreement since it was signed in Kenya. Our main focus was on the implementation of the agreement, particularly in Southern Sudan and the Nuba Mountains region. However, it appears that its implementation is undergoing serious problems, in particular regarding the clauses  stipulated for the Nuba Mountains, despite the fact that there were so few.

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After long hard talks and bitter wrangling over who should run the ministry of energy and mines, the two parties - the National Congress Party (NCP) and the Sudan people's Liberation Movement (SPLM) finally reached an agreement on Thursday, 22 September 2005 and announced the formation of what so-called a "government of national unity"

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Between 23 and 30 September 2005 the British Council organized an international seminar on 'Leadership in Civil Society and Promoting Transformation changes', which was held in Edinburgh, Scotland. Zeinab Mohammed Balandia, Director of Ru'ya Association (RA) and human rights activist was among the delegates who participated in this seminar and represented Sudan. 

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Poverty is a common feature in many African states and it has a long history, which goes back to colonial days.

Today nearly three billion people all over the world go without the most basic things. We believe that everybody has a right to food and - decent clean water, shelter, healthcare and education. This means that day in day out, half the people of the world are struggling to survive let alone lead fulfilling lives," said the Pressure works. In Africa today, one child dies every 3 seconds because of the basic lack of safe water, healthcare, shelter or food the things we often take for granted," said, World Vision.

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Ceasefire is a new collaboration between Abdel Gadir Salim and Emmanuel Jal, one of Sudan's most established musicians and one of its newest. The story behind the album - and the contrasting characters responsible for its creation is every bit as fascinating as the music is captivating, as Peter Moszynski explains.

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The first Nuba Mountains Democratic Forum (NMDF) conference was launched on Saturday 16th July 2005 in Den Hague city, Holland, a city which gained its outstanding reputation from the presence of International Criminal Court (ICC) in city. The conference was held under the slogan:"strengthening unity in diversity, in vision and political discourse" in the Nuba Mountains region. This first conference is considered an important step for a long political development to take place in the Nuba Mountains state. It is to strengthen the prospect of a just and comprehensive peace Agreement (CPA) in the Sudan.

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